Showing posts with label Slider. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Slider. Show all posts

 What do you do before settling down to read or work on a book?

I tend to walk my dogs....and cat! Our feline, Rosie, follows us on our twice daily outings, much to everyone's amusement. Here she is below following us along the canal and into the fields....

In-between recording chapters of Raghnalls Revenge where I describe bloodthirsty Vikings slaying evil witches and Kings, I like to stroll to the lake and film the wildlife. And this week we have Signets, and they are FLUFFY.


 In my lunch break I left the recording room and grabbed my camera as I'd spotted the tiniest little black fluffy specks swimming about the canal by my house - Moorhen chicks! You can see them in the video when the dad is passing materials to the Hen among the reed, they're tiny!

For videographers, I used my trusty Csanon C100, plus Atomos Ninja external recorder, plus my positively ancient yet still working Sigma APO f4.0 300mm prime lens. If ever there were a good advert for build quality this is it - bombproof. I've had it since 1999!!!! And it is RAZOR sharp.


So, I've been busy writing a book - it's really just a transcription of the diary kept by a British Army soldier, who is also my partners grandfather. William Warren was a Sapper (explosives expert) in the British army, and was captured in France in 1941, and held as a POW for nearly 4 years until his eventual release towards the  end of the conflict in June '44. It was a real marathon, 4 months of scribbling and deciphering in my spare time after work, his handwriting is very swirly and neat looking yet hard to decipher. One of the hardest things was the place names, as they were spelled phonetically mostly, and so I had to spend a lot of time trying variations on the spelling until I found the real place on a map. A selection of artefacts were kept inside, such as wartime propaganda leaflets from both sides, each promising a wonderful reception if you were to surrender your arms peacefully.
A small extract from the diary:
19 April. Which was Ray’s birthday, proved to be a most eventful day. The mucker and I were lying in the hay on our bed place just under the window musing on the lousiness of life – in fact everything was as usual. A few Thunderbolts were hovering around, but then they had been doing that most of the day. Suddenly we heard the roar of a plane dive which brought us both to our feet at the window. A plane was diving straight for us – Ray yelled to Harry Huntley who was lying on his overcoat opposite us & who immediately dashed toward us. Suddenly the plane opened up with machine guns and canons – the roof was riddled with bullets – instinctively we crashed to the floor with pieces of roofing tile spattering on our heads and backs. The machine-gunning ceased and was immediately followed by two dull thumps like the banging of a door – they were the light bombs.

The Bayberry mascot tired after a long day of Beagling

Recording audiobooks is fun and all, but you do need to get out and recharge your creative batteries every so often - how do you do it? I like head out with my camera and stalk the wildlife around the lakes near my home. This time of year is amazing, there's so much gorgeous stuff bursting into life!

This morning I went for a walk and saw the old favorite, small fluffy things floating on the water - ducklings and signets!!

For the nerds among us, I use the following kit: 

Canon C100 Camera, Sigma APO 300mm f4.0 prime lens and a Atomos Ninja 2 external recorder. I edit using Davinci Resolve 16. If you want to know more, comment below or message me.

 Shauna Richmond's Raghnall books

I asked Shauna Richmond to tell me a little about her books and the universe in which they are set, and what themes they explore.

 Raghnall series is a dark fantasy series with hints of Norse, Celtic and Gaelic mythology. Trigger warnings for the book include strong language, sexual references, sexual assault and violence throughout. The books are told through multiple points of view, much like game of thrones, nobody is ever truly safe. The wrath of Raghnall is book one to this series, here we are introduced to Finn Olden and the rest of the Olden clan. Finn is the male protagonist, although he is part of the gentry, he is often ostracized and left to his own devices due to his infamous temper and foul mouth. The Oldens are a prestigious household, and one of the longest to rule in all the lands. They are known for their fighting spirits and kind hearts , though they seem to share the same flaw of a short life expectancy. Finn’s Uncles were died young and although it is understood that Gabriel died in an ambush, Tristan’s cause of death is not only vague, he is scarcely talked about. Freya Raghnall is the only daughter to Bjorn and Catherine Raghnall. Her mother was a renowned shield maiden , her father heir to a stolen throne. Freya escaped an attempt on her life when she was a well-being the only person from the massacre to make it out alive. She survived another attack at the hands of her betrothed resulting in his death and her rise to the throne of Rosefort. When Freya meets Finn at a banquet held in his homelands the pair soon find themselves attracting all sorts of trouble. As the series moves on, the characters start to unravel the mystery of Tristan and Gabriel’s death and also Freya’s family’s massacre. The Raghnall series is much darker than that of prequel (The Olden Chronicles) as the reader is seeing the aftermath of the wars and the decisions the fallen heroes made. 

You find more books by Shauna here on Amazon.


 The Encore

I'm working on another new book, this one is by Canadian author Lauren Holmes. You can read all about Lauren here, she's a fascinating lady! 

Here's a summary of the novel from Lauren's own site:

The Encore is a gripping page-turner about extraterrestrials facing extinction from a terraforming enemy. Desperate, they kidnap the worldbuilders who rescued future Earth for an encore performance. Threats to survival multiply with eco-crises and intrigue from powermongers. However, The Encore is also more. IndieReader describes this award-winning thriller as “a must-read for those who care about our continued existence.” It plumbs deep for those who seek substance beyond suspense. The threats to future Earth are real. Thankfully, so are the solutions. New potential for individuals, humanity, and worlds are revealed. That is why The Encore captured the Inspirational Fiction award from the Next Generation Indie Book Awards. This is “hard science fiction” set within an “alternate history” that will inspire all aspiring worldbuilders. Lauren Holmes writes from decades of experience maximizing the careers of global executives. Her education in evolutionary anthropology unexpectedly informed breakthrough techniques for promoting sustainable self-actualization and continuous self-transcendence for all – her current mission. The Encore is an otherworldly tale of catastrophe, courage, calling, creativity, and camaraderie. It is an eco-thriller forewarning of an all-to-possible threat to planet Earth. Yet it is as inspiring and heartwarming as it is alarming and unnerving. Live the mission with this legion of lovable heroes. Dare to remain unchanged by this transformational thriller.

 I'm delighted to be narrating this book for Lauren. Here's a sample of the book to get you thinking:

"Please call me Rikard, Connor. You are a most welcome addition to our life-and-death fight. Thank you for agreeing to help us. I look forward to hearing you introduce your process tomorrow at the Council meeting. My wife Ingrid and I would be delighted if you’d join us for dinner in the next few days as your schedule permits.”

“Thank you, Rikard. I’d be delighted,” responded Connor perfunctorily.

“Pardon my intrusion, Axl,” he said finally acknowledging the Minister’s presence with a nod in his direction. “I’ll leave you gentlemen to your important work.” With that, Rikard turned and abruptly exited the office with the same speed at which he had burst into it.

Supreme Commander Riis has the charm, charisma and sociability of successful politicians. However, he has very little of the substance that Axl possesses. It was obvious to Connor that someone had bought this man’s way into his current position. Riis was a front. A puppet. And by the strain he sensed between the two men, Connor suspected that Axl was not the puppet master but the enemy.

Riis also lacked Axl’s benevolence. In fact, there was a foreboding in his manner which made Connor fearful. He realized that he would be even more uneasy if Axl was no longer there to protect him. In an instant, he realized his dependence on the Minister. He accepted that Axl was friend not foe.

Alone again, Connor restarted the discussion, “So have you brought me here to die, Axl? I fear our friendship is going to be short-lived,” he quipped. Axl laughed. “I must have more faith in you than you do, Connor.” Connor continued to jest to break Axl’s tension. He motioned to the large picture on the wall of Vaudeville comedy duo and silent film comedians, Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy. Their famous catch phrase was printed boldly on the top, “Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten me into!” “I relate, Axl. I suspect I’m not the first,” he joked. Axl laughed again succumbing to the distraction. “Would you believe this is the oldest known relic from Earth? I ‘ve often wondered if it suggests the time when Annutia was terraformed. Laurel and Hardy were famous from the late 1920s to the 1940s. Annutians tend not to concentrate on history as much as they do on Earth because our religion has us focusing on the ‘now.’ We’re taught mindfulness and contemplative techniques and practices in school from the first grade to help us to do that.< /br>“Obviously, we need creative solutions now, Connor. We need you to repeat with acceleration your conversion of humanity to a talent- and creativity-worshipping power structure. We need our world’s talents working at the maximum to save our planet and ourselves. There is no one better than you to do that.”
“Thank you, sir.”
“Unfortunately, we’re a population devoid of creativity. We have so many rules, and so many castes and so much prejudice and judgement that we’ve all but eliminated the courage to be creative. We’ve become a left-brain society where logic reigns supreme. Our creative right brains have atrophied.

What makes you think there is enough time, Axl?”

“I’ve studied your career, Connor. You’ve worked on the liberation of individuals to their full creative expression for 30 years. When you assumed the role of Commander-in-Chief for Global Human Resources Maximization, you had your strategic plan completed and being actioned in your first month. You established most of the structures for global conversion in your first two months. What is it you call yourself? Oh yes. An execution creative.

“This is your encore, Connor. Faster. Smarter. With higher stakes. And with more fulfillment than the first time around. There is no project more meaningful for you to undertake.

“If you went back to your retirement on Earth without at least trying, you’d regret it for the rest of your life. Facing death is not the anathema for you, Commander Kane. Facing a life without meaning, purpose, and mission is far worse for someone of your talents and passions.

“You’ll see, Connor. We’ve already started. We’ve released your speeches and writings into our corporations and upper educational streams to get people thinking about the conversion.

“I’m going to have Annalise arrange for you to access to the Planetary Government Library today. You’ll get an idea of how much we know already so you can formulate what you want to say to the Council tomorrow about your plan.”

Connor refrained from comment while he began to formulate possible strategies. He was indeed an execution creative by passion. He believed he could implement anything even if it had never been done before. He found new implementation challenges irresistible.

“I’ve studied your methods for achieving the restructuring to release the greatest creative solutions to global crises. However, what I haven’t been able to figure out yet is what levers you pushed to cause the break in the money-and-political power grid in the first place. A discussion for another day.”

Connor suspected Axl was referencing the forces behind Rikard Riis. The Minister jumped up without warning for a third time and stepped quickly to his desk to flick on the intercom. “Birgitte, has Annalise returned yet for Commander Kane?”

“Yes, sir. She’s been here for some time.”

Axl moved to the door and opened it.

“So sorry to have kept you, Annalise. Please come in for a moment. Commander Kane needs library access to Earth information to find common ground for his speech to the Council tomorrow. He’s also going to need information about the Council Ministers, so he can shape his speech to his audience.

“I think it’s also advisable that you make him aware of the conflicts among them so that he’s not blindsided. In fact, why don’t you bring him at the beginning of the Council meeting so that he can observe the conflicts and players in action.

“Thank you, Annalise. And thank you Commander Kane for undertaking this critical mission for us,” Axl said while shaking Connor’s hand. “I look forward to hearing you speak. Please use Annalise to let me know how I may help.”

And without even a moment to consider or to ask a question, Connor suddenly found himself outside of the Minister’s inner office next to its closed door. Connor was impressed by how smooth Axl was. He felt out-finessed.

“This way, Commander,” directed Annalise. The tall and muscled Brik again trailed them. Obviously, Axl considered him a VIP needing a bodyguard.

“Were you able to arrange the call with my wife?”

“I was indeed. We have thirty minutes to arrive back at the appointed time.”

As they stepped out of the elevator on his floor of the residential tower, Connor could see at the other end of the hall Jon sitting at the table guarding his suite. Perhaps Axl was right. Maybe he’d underestimated his talents somewhat despite the celebratory gala.

As they arrived at the suite, Annalise walked to the office where an external telephone resided. Connor took the covers off his lunch while he pondered how he was going to tell Lenore that there was a good chance that he would be dead within the year.   

Monitoring & Mixing my audiobooks

I've been using KRK Rokit 6 monitors for my audiobooks for nearly 4 years now, and I really like what I hear. My As I work in mono, I only need one monitor, no need for a stereo pair. I work using a digital audio workstation, AKA a PC with a half-decent audio-interface, namely a Audient ID4, which offers XLR & 6.35mm jack inputs and TRS balanced outputs for monitoring. It took a while for me to understand exactly what TRS was - initially I was hunting around fruitlessly for a USB interface that offered XLR outputs as I was fixed on having balanced output (for the initiated, balanced signals in audio terms are designed to minimise unwanted noise intruding into the signal, such as from nearby electronics). All the interfaces I looked at did not offer this, at least not the budget conscious variety I can afford. After consulting my slightly more knowledgeable elder brother I was realized that although TRS utilizes the 1/4 inch jack plug interface, it carries a balanced signal, care of the TRS wiring (TRS = Tip/Ring/Sleeve) follow this link for more information. With this new information I realised that I had a good choice of USB interfaces that will provide balanced output suitable for a studio monitor. After some investigation I plumped for the KRK Rokit 6, monitor. Opinions are a little divided but I find it more than enough for my audiobook needs. 

I will say that it is a little bottom-end heavy, and combined with my Rode Procaster XLR dynamic studio mic, which has low-mid warmth, I found initially my recordings seemed pretty muddy and woolly sounding. For anyone possessing either of those two components, I have a few words of advice born of my own experience: 

Rode Procaster: Requires plenty of gain to get the best frequency response, but has incredible signal-to-noise ratio, so it's very clean souding even if you EQ it heavily. I found that my Audient iD4 didn't drive it hard enough, and have since used a Podtrak P4 by Zoom, which has an insane 70db of gain. The difference in audio characteristics with the right gain is remarkable.

As for the Rokit 6 - this too needs a little attention - on the rear there are some EQ adjustments in precise 1, 2 and 3db increments. I rolled off the low frequencies by 3db to gain a more accurate sound that held up when I replayed the files elsewhere. 

Please read this article from Sound on Sound.

Getting Outside.

It's so important to get outdoors, the end of lockdown is coming and being outside and enjoying nature is so very, very important!

Getting outside is so utterly critical in these lockdown times... I always take my camera when I walk my dog, I hope you enjoy this little video I made, I never get tired of sunsets and warm evenings!

For those who are interested, I film using a Canon EOS C100 camcorder, and my trusty Canon & Sigma lenses. I also use something called an Atomos Ninja, which is an external recording device that allows me to capture video in superior broadcast formats like ProRes and DNXHD

I edit in Davinci Resolve, a fantastic piece of free yet totally professional post-production software. It's a steep learning curve but worth it!

And so are more chapters of Moby Dick!

I've just been for a lovely sunny evening walk in darkest Wiltshire, and for the first time in a while I'm feeling energised, there's a light at the end of this bleak and wintery covid-lockdown tunnel! 

I've produced 9 chapters of the classic novel Moby Dick by Herman Melville and uploaded them to Soundcloud. It's not the easiest book to narrate, more challenging than some of the HP Lovecraft stuff. I thought The Shadow Over Innsmouth was hard going, but the flowery old-English used by Mr Melville is almost another language in places.

For those of you not familiar with the novel, it's about a one mans pursuit for revenge, an angry salty sea dog captain of a whaling ship in the early 1800's is going hell for leather after a white wale that once bit his leg off and sunk his ship. A better summary is below, borrowed from Go to the free audiobooks page to listen to the book or visit soundcloud here. 

Ishmael, the narrator, announces his intent to ship aboard a whaling vessel. He has made several voyages as a sailor but none as a whaler. He travels to New Bedford, Massachusetts, where he stays in a whalers’ inn. Since the inn is rather full, he has to share a bed with a harpooner from the South Pacific named Queequeg. At first repulsed by Queequeg’s strange habits and shocking appearance (Queequeg is covered with tattoos), Ishmael eventually comes to appreciate the man’s generosity and kind spirit, and the two decide to seek work on a whaling vessel together. They take a ferry to Nantucket, the traditional capital of the whaling industry. There they secure berths on the Pequod, a savage-looking ship adorned with the bones and teeth of sperm whales. Peleg and Bildad, the Pequod’s Quaker owners, drive a hard bargain in terms of salary. They also mention the ship’s mysterious captain, Ahab, who is still recovering from losing his leg in an encounter with a sperm whale on his last voyage.

The Pequod leaves Nantucket on a cold Christmas Day with a crew made up of men from many different countries and races. Soon the ship is in warmer waters, and Ahab makes his first appearance on deck, balancing gingerly on his false leg, which is made from a sperm whale’s jaw. He announces his desire to pursue and kill Moby Dick, the legendary great white whale who took his leg, because he sees this whale as the embodiment of evil. Ahab nails a gold doubloon to the mast and declares that it will be the prize for the first man to sight the whale. As the Pequod sails toward the southern tip of Africa, whales are sighted and unsuccessfully hunted. During the hunt, a group of men, none of whom anyone on the ship’s crew has seen before on the voyage, emerges from the hold. The men’s leader is an exotic-looking man named Fedallah. These men constitute Ahab’s private harpoon crew, smuggled aboard in defiance of Bildad and Peleg. Ahab hopes that their skills and Fedallah’s prophetic abilities will help him in his hunt for Moby Dick.

The Pequod rounds Africa and enters the Indian Ocean. A few whales are successfully caught and processed for their oil. From time to time, the ship encounters other whaling vessels. Ahab always demands information about Moby Dick from their captains. One of the ships, the Jeroboam, carries Gabriel, a crazed prophet who predicts doom for anyone who threatens Moby Dick. His predictions seem to carry some weight, as those aboard his ship who have hunted the whale have met disaster. While trying to drain the oil from the head of a captured sperm whale, Tashtego, one of the Pequod’s harpooners, falls into the whale’s voluminous head, which then rips free of the ship and begins to sink. Queequeg saves Tashtego by diving into the ocean and cutting into the slowly sinking head.

During another whale hunt, Pip, the Pequod’s black cabin boy, jumps from a whaleboat and is left behind in the middle of the ocean. He goes insane as the result of the experience and becomes a crazy but prophetic jester for the ship. Soon after, the Pequod meets the Samuel Enderby, a whaling ship whose skipper, Captain Boomer, has lost an arm in an encounter with Moby Dick. The two captains discuss the whale; Boomer, happy simply to have survived his encounter, cannot understand Ahab’s lust for vengeance. Not long after, Queequeg falls ill and has the ship’s carpenter make him a coffin in anticipation of his death. He recovers, however, and the coffin eventually becomes the Pequod’s replacement life buoy.

Ahab orders a harpoon forged in the expectation that he will soon encounter Moby Dick. He baptizes the harpoon with the blood of the Pequod’s three harpooners. The Pequod kills several more whales. Issuing a prophecy about Ahab’s death, Fedallah declares that Ahab will first see two hearses, the second of which will be made only from American wood, and that he will be killed by hemp rope. Ahab interprets these words to mean that he will not die at sea, where there are no hearses and no hangings. A typhoon hits the Pequod, illuminating it with electrical fire. Ahab takes this occurrence as a sign of imminent confrontation and success, but Starbuck, the ship’s first mate, takes it as a bad omen and considers killing Ahab to end the mad quest. After the storm ends, one of the sailors falls from the ship’s masthead and drowns—a grim foreshadowing of what lies ahead.

Ahab’s fervent desire to find and destroy Moby Dick continues to intensify, and the mad Pip is now his constant companion. The Pequod approaches the equator, where Ahab expects to find the great whale. The ship encounters two more whaling ships, the Rachel and the Delight, both of which have recently had fatal encounters with the whale. Ahab finally sights Moby Dick. The harpoon boats are launched, and Moby Dick attacks Ahab’s harpoon boat, destroying it. The next day, Moby Dick is sighted again, and the boats are lowered once more. The whale is harpooned, but Moby Dick again attacks Ahab’s boat. Fedallah, trapped in the harpoon line, is dragged overboard to his death. Starbuck must maneuver the Pequod between Ahab and the angry whale.

On the third day, the boats are once again sent after Moby Dick, who once again attacks them. The men can see Fedallah’s corpse lashed to the whale by the harpoon line. Moby Dick rams the Pequod and sinks it. Ahab is then caught in a harpoon line and hurled out of his harpoon boat to his death. All of the remaining whaleboats and men are caught in the vortex created by the sinking Pequod and pulled under to their deaths. Ishmael, who was thrown from a boat at the beginning of the chase, was far enough away to escape the whirlpool, and he alone survives. He floats atop Queequeg’s coffin, which popped back up from the wreck, until he is picked up by the Rachel, which is still searching for the crewmen lost in her earlier encounter with Moby Dick.


Olde Whale Picture



Podtrak P4

New gear! I have got a lovely new Zoom Podtrak P4, and it sounds great! Great, clear preamps drive my power hungry Rode dynamic mic and get superb clear sound. Happy!
Check this review from

Zoom recently announced the PodTrak P4, a new audio recorder designed specifically for podcasts. It’s an exciting release by Zoom, who already offer an impressive range of audio recorders including the Zoom H5, H6 and H8. However, the PodTrak P4’s podcast-focused design clearly differentiates it from Zoom’s other recorders.

Releasing a recorder that caters to podcast creators is a smart move by Zoom. Podcasts have steadily increased in popularity over the last few years. A study conducted in January reported that nearly 40% of the US population had listened to a podcast in the last month, up from less than 20% just 5 years ago.

As a result of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, there are also more podcasts being produced. While the pandemic shut down film and television production in the US, it provided the perfect setting for many people, quarantining at home with nothing to do, to create their own podcast. 

We took a dive into the specs to find out exactly what changes Zoom have made for their first podcast-focused audio recorder. Here’s our Zoom PodTrak P4 review. 

PodTrak P4 Review – Key Features

The PodTrak P4 is best defined by its features, and how well they lend themselves to the unique requirements and challenges of recording a podcast.


Zoom is known for making great portable recorders, and the PodTrak P4 is no exception. It’s small, light, and has a clean layout. The LCD screen is small, but allows for easy navigation through the recorder’s menu.  

While some audio recorders can look and feel intimidating, the P4 is not one of them. It’s a great blend of functionality and practicality. Both beginner and pro podcasters will feel comfortable using the PodTrak P4.

Microphone Inputs

The PodTrak P4 has 4 XLR microphone inputs. Each input has its own gain control knob and a mute button, both which can be used even while recording. With up to 70 dB of gain per input, you should have no problem using the P4 with high-quality dynamic microphones that require plenty of gain, like the Shure SM7B. 

If you’d rather use a condenser microphone like the Rode NT1A, a switch below each gain control knob allows you to easily enable phantom power (48 volts) for the input. A limiter and low-cut filter can also be applied to each input to help you record clean, high-quality audio. 

Additionally, the P4 is a multi-track recorder. Each input is recorded to its own track, making it easier for you to mix and master your recordings. 


The P4 has 4 headphone outputs, but a really nice touch is that each output has its own volume control. Separate controls aren’t crucial, but if your podcast ever has more than one host, it’s going to be appreciated. This is a feature not included on higher-end audio recorders such as the Zoom F8, and helps make the P4 stand out as a recorder built for podcasts.

Remote Recording (Mix-Minus)

One of the best features of the PodTrak P4 is that it enables you to record 2 remote phone calls simultaneously. Input 3 connects to the TRRS input on the left side of the P4, allowing you to record audio from a phone call (using a TRRS cable or Zoom’s BTA-2 Bluetooth adapter). Input 4 connects to the USB port on the right side, allowing you to record audio from a computer.

Of course, you should also use a mix-minus when recording remote audio. Mix-minus is an audio recording function most commonly used by radio stations and podcast creators when one of the inputs is being recorded through a phone call. A mix-minus allows the caller to hear all the inputs being recorded (the mix), minus their own input, so they don’t hear themselves speaking. 

While it is possible to enable mix-minus in their other recorders, Zoom has dramatically simplified it for the PodTrak P4. For example, the easiest way to set up a mix-minus on the Zoom H6 requires you to use splitting cables and manually pan the audio. On the P4, mix-minus is automatically enabled for audio recorded via the TRRS input, and is as easy as selecting on or off in the Settings menu to activate it for the USB port.

Sound Pads

The PodTrak P4 has 4 sound pads which can be used to play audio clips or sound effects. The P4 comes preloaded with 11 sound effects, but you can also assign your own clips to each button. 


The PodTrak P4 can be powered using 2 AA batteries or USB cable. Just like any recorder, it’s recommended you power the P4 via cable when recording, if possible. Saying that, the battery life is impressive. Zoom reports the PodTrak P4 can be used for up to 4 hours when using alkaline AA batteries, and up to 9 hours with lithium batteries. 

The P4 has two USB-C ports; a DC 5V port for charging the recorder, and a port that can be used as an audio interface. Remarkably, you can also use the audio interface port to charge the recorder even while using it to record audio. 


The PodTrak P4 is a great option for anyone interested in starting their first podcast, and the price reflects that. Available for pre-order now for just $199, don’t mistake its affordability as a sign of weakness. The PodTrak P4 is a high quality recorder, and has everything you need to produce a professional-grade podcast. 

Of course, if you are a podcasting beginner, you’ll need more than the recorder to get started. The PodTrak P4 bundle for $319.98 includes a Zoom ZDM-1 microphone (with wind screen), ZHP-1 headphones, and a ZTPS-4 tabletop tripod. You’ll also need a memory card; an SDXC card with fast read and write speeds is your best option. 


PodTrak P4 Review – Competitors

The PodTrak P4’s top competitors include other Zoom recorders such as the H6, H8, and the recently announced PodTrak P8. Thankfully, Zoom makes it easy for you to decide which recorder is right for you.

The major advantage of the H6 and H8 recorders is that they’re built for more than just podcasts. If you’re looking to record music in addition to a podcast, you’re going to want a recorder with XLR/TRS combo jacks, like the H6 or H8, so that you can easily connect instruments to the recorder. Similarly, while the P4’s 16-bit/44.1kHz sample rate is perfectly suitable for a podcast, you might want a higher quality when recording music. Both the H6 and H8 can record up to 24-bit/96kHz.

However, if you’re only interested in recording podcasts, the PodTrak P4 is the obvious choice. Features such as its remote recording capabilities and the volume controls for each headphone output are great for podcast recording, and aren’t available on the H6 or H8. The Zoom H8 is arguably more functionally abundant, but it’s also a little cluttered and less portable. The PodTrak P4 has a clean layout, weighs about 40% less, and is half the price.

Meanwhile, the PodTrak P8 is effectively the P4’s older sibling. It has a bigger interface with more features, including more inputs and sound pads.  However, it’s also far less portable, and over twice as expensive. The P8 is a great option for experienced podcasters who are producing a multi-person show. The P4’s practical blend of affordability, functionality, and portability make it the better choice for beginners.

PodTrak P4 Review – Summary 

The PodTrak P4 is another great recorder by Zoom. While Zoom is already a market leader for podcast recording, the PodTrak P4 will undoubtedly cement their position. Offering high-end features that simplify recording, a clean, portable design, and an affordable price tag, the PodTrak P4 is everything you want in a podcast audio recorder.

Wilts & Berks Canal, Wichelstowe

A quick walk by the canal before I head back to the studio to start work on the next audiobook, Raghnalls Revenge. A glorious colourful evening, although pretty cold! 

Another day in the studio, recording the follow up to The Wrath Of Raghnall, the wonderful Raghnall's Revenge! Always important to take a break and get some fresh air and come back to the creative process with a clear head!

 The Wrath Of Raghnall, By Shona Richmond.

The Wrath Of Raghnall

This book by Shona Richmond is my first entry into the fantasy genre, and it has been a fun one to do! There's a lot of classic fantasy elements here, but with a strong female cast and leading characters that make a refreshing change to the usually male-dominated fantasy worlds. Lord Theodore Olden counts it a blessing when his old friend Bjorn the Brave arrives at the celebration of his eldest son's betrothal. Soon after his arrival, demons from Bjorn's past come back to haunt him. To this day, he knows not of who murdered his family, with only his daughter spared from the attacks on his house and a son who is seemingly back from the dead. Both houses encounter a plague of demons that were thought long gone in their quest to get to the truth and to restore Bjorn's family to their throne. For their involvement with the Vikings, bandits and mercenaries attack house Olden, leaving the house divided between their loyalties to their ally and protecting their own family. The family of cursed Vikings must find a way to beat the odds once again and to recruit new allies to take back what was stolen from them.

Available soon on Audible.
The Alchemists Revenge

The Alchemists Revenge is the third in the series by Martin Archer, narrated by yours truly. The Company Of Archers find themselves caught up in the very war they instigated and profited from - they must defend the city with their lives if they are to have any chance of survival. The rich tapestry of rivalries, pirates, politics and hand to hand battle on the battlefield heads to a climax - which army will emerge victorious? Will The Company Of Archers survive to set sail again? Available on Audible now.

 Fatal Mistakes by Martin Archer

Fatal Mistakes

The second book in the Archers series, the action continues in medieval Europe, as the Company Of Archers exert their influence and control and expand their fleet, big enough to rival any Navy of the time. They profit by fomenting unrest in the Adriatic, and fending off attacks from the notorious slavers and pirates which roam the seas. 

Available on Audible.

 The Gold Coins, by Martin Archer

A story of medieval pirates, wars and treasure!

The Gold Coins

Martin Archer's series of historical novels comes to life in a Bayberry Audiobooks production, available from Audible. Set in medieval Europe, we follow The Company Of Archers, a barely-legal but huge British merchant shipping company that wields as much power as any government of the time, as they make their way across the Mediterranean, collecting, stealing and robbing treasure, fighting pirates and taking on entire armies. Making a mockery of the Venetians and the French they make few friends and plenty of enemies. Available on Audible now. 

One Summer, by Jim Ellis

One Summer, by Jim Ellis

Nathan Forrest is a lapsed Catholic, a welder, an illegitimate son, and a gifted jazz trumpeter. After he begins pursuing Dorothy - a Protestant girl from a middle-class family - they face the antagonism of mid-20th century Scotland.

Against a backdrop of decaying Westburn's doomed shipyards and bitter environment, the young lovers seek to escape the constraints of prejudice and hate.
But is their love and determination enough to bring them happiness, or will religious and social conflict consume them both? Available on Audible