Showing posts with label davinciresolve. Show all posts
Showing posts with label davinciresolve. Show all posts

 What do you do before settling down to read or work on a book?

I tend to walk my dogs....and cat! Our feline, Rosie, follows us on our twice daily outings, much to everyone's amusement. Here she is below following us along the canal and into the fields....

In-between recording chapters of Raghnalls Revenge where I describe bloodthirsty Vikings slaying evil witches and Kings, I like to stroll to the lake and film the wildlife. And this week we have Signets, and they are FLUFFY.


 In my lunch break I left the recording room and grabbed my camera as I'd spotted the tiniest little black fluffy specks swimming about the canal by my house - Moorhen chicks! You can see them in the video when the dad is passing materials to the Hen among the reed, they're tiny!

For videographers, I used my trusty Csanon C100, plus Atomos Ninja external recorder, plus my positively ancient yet still working Sigma APO f4.0 300mm prime lens. If ever there were a good advert for build quality this is it - bombproof. I've had it since 1999!!!! And it is RAZOR sharp.

The Bayberry mascot tired after a long day of Beagling

Recording audiobooks is fun and all, but you do need to get out and recharge your creative batteries every so often - how do you do it? I like head out with my camera and stalk the wildlife around the lakes near my home. This time of year is amazing, there's so much gorgeous stuff bursting into life!

This morning I went for a walk and saw the old favorite, small fluffy things floating on the water - ducklings and signets!!

For the nerds among us, I use the following kit: 

Canon C100 Camera, Sigma APO 300mm f4.0 prime lens and a Atomos Ninja 2 external recorder. I edit using Davinci Resolve 16. If you want to know more, comment below or message me.

A Spring Afternoon Stroll

Lock Gates on the W&B canal

Just a short post to share a short film a I made this afternoon while out walking with my dog, the spring sunshine was so lovely and the lakes looked so great I had to get the Osmo+ out and film it! The DJI Osmos+ is a neat little gimbal camera I've been using for a while, it's not new exactly but it works brilliantly, check out the silky smooth shots!

Getting Outside.

It's so important to get outdoors, the end of lockdown is coming and being outside and enjoying nature is so very, very important!

Getting outside is so utterly critical in these lockdown times... I always take my camera when I walk my dog, I hope you enjoy this little video I made, I never get tired of sunsets and warm evenings!

For those who are interested, I film using a Canon EOS C100 camcorder, and my trusty Canon & Sigma lenses. I also use something called an Atomos Ninja, which is an external recording device that allows me to capture video in superior broadcast formats like ProRes and DNXHD

I edit in Davinci Resolve, a fantastic piece of free yet totally professional post-production software. It's a steep learning curve but worth it!